Someone Allegedly Inside Donald Trump's White House Staff Is Spilling The Tea On Twitter! You HAVE To See This!

The tweet is coming from inside the White House… Allegedly.
Now that Donald Trump is in charge, the White House seems to be drained of all its sane-minded staffers only to be left with alternative facts-spewing goons like Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer.
But apparently, the Capitol still has some anonymous allies that claim to be “the unofficial resistance team inside the White House” — and they’re tweeting out all of Drumpf’s precious secrets!
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Though the Twitter account is by no means verified, the @RoguePOTUSStaff page has gone viral after sending alleged inside information from Trump’s administration.
The Rogue POTUS Staff accuses Trump of making racist remarks about Muslims, of “getting payments from foreign governments,” and even claims the predatory prez was overheard yelling:

“Don’t they know I’m the fucking President!?”

The account was created because of the President’s own penchant for using a private Twitter account, which they explained in an early tweet:

While none of the intel is confirmed, it’s not hard to imagine every word of these quotes coming straight from Trump’s b-hole mouth.
The Rogue team also alleges POTUS is “easily manipulated with smooth compliments” and had been inquiring about staffers’ Photoshop skills because the “inauguration photos need to be ├óΓé¼╦£touched up.'” Ha!
Ch-ch-check out some tweets from the Rogue account (below) to see insider info on Russia, Trump’s family, and some shady behavior from Paul Ryan!

Scariest of all is this reveal that not only did Trump intend for his executive immigration order to be a “Muslim ban” — he and Steve Bannon allegedly don’t think the controversial act goes far enough!

Scary stuff!
What do U think? Is this account legit or just fake news? Comment below!!
[Image via ABC News/WENN.]