Donald Trump Blames The Democrats For Healthcare Bill Failure, Says He's Just Going To Watch Obamacare 'Explode' Now...

Donald Trump
wants you to know that the failed Affordable Care Act repeal is definitely, 100% NOT his fault.
While making his address shortly after the Republican healthcare bill was pulled before going to a vote, the 70-year-old blamed Democrats (namely leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer) for the major fail.
Related: Twitter Reacts To Trump Pulling The Republican Healthcare Bill!
Hey Drumpster, we know you’re not a huge legislature buff, but you don’t need support from the Dems when you have the majority across the board… you just have to create something even your own people like!
Anyway, POTUS went on to say that now he’s going to “move on” to other issues like tax reform while he waits around for Obamacare to “explode.”
You can’t claim to care so0o0o much about the American people, and then just say you’re going to watch everything burn in flames! Being a leader doesn’t work that way!
Watch his delusional speech from the Oval Office (below)!

[Image via CNN.]