New Year, Same Tweets -- Donald Trump Is STILL Tweeting About The Election!

It’s the only thing Donald Trump has — so you can be sure he’s going to tweet about it!
The President-elect won his way to the White House nearly two full months ago, but that hasn’t stopped him from incessantly tweeting about the election in the weeks since… including earlier today!
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The real estate mogul-turned-politician is the sorest winner we may have ever seen; he simply can’t win and move on to, you know, actually running the country!
Here’s what he had to say this time, about how he always knew he was going to win the election and the moment he knew that Hillary Clinton was going to lose (below):

Oh boy.
WHY is he still talking about this?!
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Regardless, he’s also wishing all of us a Happy New Year, including these messages from today (below):

And this, the best tweet of them all, from late last week about the New Year (below):

Oh, Donald — never change!!
[Image via NBC.]