EXCLUSIVE: TV In Or Out Of The Bedroom??

Ah, yes, that’s the age old question.
Will a television in the bedroom stop seksi time from happening?
According to Perezitos.com‘s Sex & Marriage Counselor contributor Dr. Limor Blockman-Michelman, she thinks it actually might help to keep things steamy, just the way you want it to be.
She says:

“TV in the bedroom? Entertainment has its pros and cons. While it might put your intimacy in jeopardy, watching mainly stimulating content, can set the mood, rather than deplete it. Keep it limited and sizzling!”

So, as long as you can find the right “content,” and you don’t let television get in the way of enjoy each other’s company, then it’s a great idea!
For more great tips like this visit her iTunes application HERE!
And don’t forget to visit her Facebook page or “Follow” @DoctorLimor on Twitter!