Durex Makes Phone-Controlled Vibrating Underwear! See It In Action HERE!

Ruh-roh, you don’t wanna get your panties/manties wet with this one.
…Or maybe you do.
Durex condoms has just released a new ad (above) for their new line of Fundawear, which stands for what else, “fun underwear.”
The new line of undies for both men and women are bravely going where no man has gone before with a new technology that allows your partner to stimulate your nether regions with just a touch, er, a click of their phone.
The new app is sure to bring your O face pretty much anywhere you go as long as your partner touches the crotch diagram on the app in all the right spots.
Durex: Taking foreplay to a whole new level…
Watch the titillating demonstration (above)!