Who can smell what The Rock is cooking?!
Everyone, because this is a ton of food!
When you work out as much as Dwayne Johnson, your cheat days apparently look like THIS (above)!
The actor posted this pic on Instagram, saying:
├óΓé¼┼ôWhen I wrap #HERCULESMovie it’ll be 172 days straight (new personal record) of a strict & intense 7 meals a day diet for the role. This cheat day will be fun.#SilverbackDestroys #RecordsAreMadeToBeBroken#DontCheatYourselfTreatYourself#HellYeahIDipMyBrowniesInMilk And if you’re kicking ass w/ your training/diet goals – enjoy yourself a damn good #LegendaryCheatDay├óΓé¼┬¥
WOW! That is a whole lotta food! He could probably feed a small country with that!
A very small country though, with no more than 12 people, so that everyone gets a pancake.
What do UR cheat days look like?!
[Image via Instagram.]
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