Ed Westwick Swings And Misses During Confrontation At NYC Club

Chuck Bass! What has gotten into you?!
If you thought Ed Westwick‘s life was dramatic on Gossip Girl, wait until you see him at the club!
The actor reportedly lost his cool on Thursday night at the NYC hotspot SL when he thought a patron was taking his picture. A witness, who saw the whole thing go down, recounted the story to the New York Post, saying:

“Ed thought that one of the guys from the next table was taking a photo of him, but he was really just trying to get a shot of his girlfriend. Ed freaked out. He leapt up and tried to punch the guy, but completely missed.”

So what does a celebrity do when he swings and misses a target? He talks to security and gets the guy kicked out!
The man who narrowly avoided getting socked by Westwick says that the actor proceeded to call a bouncer over and complained he was trying to start a fight.
Now, despite what witnesses saw, a spokesman from SL claims there was no confrontation at all, and adds:

“This never happened — Ed had a great time and there was no conflict of any kind.”

Either several people completely fabricated this story or Ed doesn’t want the world to know that he’s got lousy hand-eye coordination!
Regardless, violence is NEVER the answer, so we’re glad that fist never connected. Check yourself before you wreck yourself, Westwick!
[Image via Ramey Pix.]