Say WHAT?! Elisabeth Hasselbeck Thinks The Black Lives Matter Movement Should Be Labeled As A 'Hate Group'!

There are some people who should know when to keep their mouths shut, and Elisabeth Hasselbeck is one of those people.
On this morning’s episode of Fox & Friends, the Fox News star discussed Texas Deputy Darren H. Goforth, an officer who was shot and killed while he was pumping gas last Friday.
Elisabeth and her co-host used this as an opportunity to draw connections to the Black Lives Matter movement and label it as a “radical group” calling for violence against police.
[ Related: Elisabeth Hasselbeck Delivers Controversial Opinions About The Death Of Sandra Bland ]
But the always controversial hostess took things to an all new low when she asked:

“Why has the Black Lives Matter movement not been classified yet as a hate group?”

Wow. This is so offensive it’s hard to know where to even begin.
Fox News is no stranger to fear-mongering, but to suggest that any supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement is a “radical” who supports violence against police is just flat out wrong.
It’s so disappointing to see someone in 2015 — even Elisabeth — make such gross generalizations about an entire group of people.
Ch-ch-check out the offensive clip (below):
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