Ellen Says Shes Related To Kate Middleton...Sorta

Guess we should start calling her Lady Ellen?
During her show yesterday, Ellen explained how according to the New England Genealogical Society, she is 15th cousins with Kate Middleton.
Apparently, a Sir Thomas Fairfax is the ancestor that links the two.
Here’s what Ellen had to say about her cuz:

“I’m definitely invited to the wedding now!” Between the Packers winning the Super Bowl and this, I’m having a good week.”
“Let me know if you need me to plan the bachelorette party, Because I found some straws that are shaped like. . . well never mind.”

Now we’re wondering if we have any royalty in OUR blood…what’s the number for the New England Genealogical Society??? LOLz.
Do U have any royalty in your blood?
[Images via WENN.]