Most Embarrassing Celebrity Siblings!

Just because celebrities live in the limelight it doesn’t mean they don’t have to deal with embarrassing family members!
Case and point, Nicki Minaj‘s brother Jelani Maraj who is currently wrapped up in a troubling child rape case. As you may recall, Jelani was charged with first-degree rape back in December after a preteen accused the hitmaker’s flesh-and-blood of sexual assault. How awful!
However, Miz Minaj isn’t the only A-lister to have a scandalous sibling! We mean, just ask Mariah Carey, Jared Leto, etc.
Get all the deets on the black sheeps who taint our favorite stars’ careers for yourself (below)!
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CLICK HERE to view “Most Embarrassing Celebrity Siblings!”
CLICK HERE to view “Most Embarrassing Celebrity Siblings!”
CLICK HERE to view “Most Embarrassing Celebrity Siblings!”
CLICK HERE to view “Most Embarrassing Celebrity Siblings!”
[Image via Instagram.]