Emily Blunt Gets An Ice Bucket Surprise From Hubby John Krasinski! He Changed The Rules And Ruined ALL Her Groceries!

Emily Blunt and John Krasinski are in a fight. Or at least they should be!
John SHOCKED his wife with an Ice Bucket Challenge, soaking Em with freezing cold water as she carried the groceries inside!
Yet… so hilarious!
John runs outside to greet his honey in the driveway, holding a giant tub of water. As Emily asks for his help in unloading the car, John yells at her:

“I challenge you to the Ice Bucket Challenge!”

Blunt replies:

“What’s an Ice Bucket Challenge??”

Too late. She was drenched head to toe, as was all of the food she just bought!
She looks at her husband and screams:

“What’re you doing?!”

Raising money and awareness for ALS! Duh!
We suspect this might have all been a preplanned skit but we still love it!
Ch-ch-check out this funny-funny vid (below)!
P.S. — Being in movies and stuff, you’d think they’d know to record videos in landscape mode… JUST SAYIN’!