Who's That Guy, Emma?

Where did he come from?! Where can we get one?! (Alright, we’ll quit it with the Michelle Pfeiffer…)
Last night, Emma Watson stepped out of Bungalow 8 night club around 3:30 am, surrounded by friends, looking a bit tired, but friendly enough.
Hey, just because she was pAArtying hard, doesn’t mean she has to be grumpy grump!
Anyway, she scurried into a cab, but instead of her gaggle of over-protective buds hopping in with her, she was joined by this mystery man! We hear they got quite cozy last night and obviously, the snuggles were a go for the rest of the evening!
My, my Miz Hermoine Granger! Look who is getting a bit scandalous!
Go to it, BB! Have some fun! You’re only young once!
[Image via Pacific Coast News Online.]