
Is Diddy finally going to settle down and tie the knot?
It seems that way, unless these peeps are totally lying.
Star magazine is reporting that the dad of six is said to have proposed to his girlfriend, singer Cassandra “Cassie” Ventura.
What, is she pregnant too?
A source tells the mag, “He told everyone to keep it extremely quiet because he didn’t want it to get out, but you could tell he was excited.”
They add, “Diddy said they hadn’t set a date yet, but he wanted his family to hear the news first.”
Diddy met Cassie after signing her up to his label in 2006. She’s also 17 years younger than diddy.
We wonder what his ex and mother of his twin daughters, Kim Porter, thinks.
She stuck around through the whole Jennifer Lopez situation, and Kimmy will probably be around after Cassie.
Congrats to Diddy, if he is getting married.
Somehow, though, we have a feeling his publicist is gonna deny Star magazine’s “story” right about NOW!