Is Eva Longoria Desperately Dating LA Mayor Villaraigosa?!?

We knew Eva Longoria loved getting involved in politics, we just didn’t know it was this much!!
Just a couple months after dumping Mark Sanchez, it seems like Mz. Eva has moved on to something, er, rather, someone, closer to heart: a politician!
Now that she’s a single lady again, it was only a matter of minutes time before Eva was rumored to be hooking up with another handsome man. This time around, rumors are swirling that she and Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa are discussing more than just politics together.
The two have been very close for several years now and they were just recently spotted together, which has caused some murmurs. BUT Eva is setting the record straight about their relationship, insisting that the two are NOT together, but that she just has a passion for government affairs and nothing else!
Hmm, that’s too bad because the two seem to have a whole lot in common besides being both attractive Latinos and even more attractive democrats.
But, alas, it looks like Eva is keeping things civil with Mayor V… for now… Ha!!
[Image via WENN.]