Facebook Is Moving Forward & Deleting LGBT Profiles Even AFTER They Met With Activists Fighting For The Cause!

Hmmm… this certainly sounds like a tricky situation…
So, Facebook is enacting a new policy that involves everyone on the social media site to use their real/legal name.
Like, as it would appear on your driver’s license!
Well, this totally presents a problem, most notably within the LGBT community because drag queens and transgender folk may not go by their legal names on the website.
So they deleted A BUNCH of profiles within the LGBT community and it, understandably, ruffled A LOT of feathers!
[ Related: J.K. Rowling Has Perfect Response To A Homophobic Troll! ]
So, activists met with FB officials to try and work out some deal that didn’t involve a forced name change, but it looks like it didn’t work!
They’re STILL going to go forward with deleting the profiles, but they’re giving users two weeks to conform to their policies!
They decided to reactivate any accounts that were terminated so individuals could change their monikers to their legal name or risk being deleted AGAIN.
FB Spokesperson Andrew Souvall said:

‘We had a good discussion with the group about their perspectives on our real name standard, and we stressed how the standard helps prevent bad behavior, while creating a safer and more accountable environment. We’ve decided to temporarily reactivate the profiles of several hundred members of the LGBT community whose profiles were recently deactivated.
This will give them a chance to decide how they’d like to represent themselves on Facebook. Over the next two weeks, we hope that they will decide to confirm their real name, change their name to their real name, or convert their profile to a Page.’

However, Sister Roma, who was part of the group that met with FB, is not buying their excuse.
She made a lengthy statement on her page, but the basis was this:

‘Facebook refuses to agree that the legal name policy is unfair and discriminatory.’

You can read the FULL statement HERE if you’d like.
But, what do YOU think? Is the policy unfair? Sound off!