12-Year-Old Daughter Of Undocumented Immigrants Calls Out Donald Trump's Border Policies In Uplifting Speech

Bravo to this brave, fearless young woman!
In the video (above), you can see a 12-year-old girl named Leah — the daughter of two undocumented immigrant parents — deliver an incredibly rousing speech at today’s Families Belong Together march and rally in Washington, D.C.
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The girl, who stood in front of a crowd of thousands and fearlessly delivered a very emotional, real speech about her parents, didn’t hold back in calling out Donald Trump‘s harmful, cruel immigration and border control policies.
Watch the video (above) to see Leah’s full speech — may your breath be as taken away as ours was, in awe of this young women coming of age politically right in front of our very eyes!
Bravo, Leah! Nicely done and very well said!!