GASP! FKA Twigs Has Never Watched Fiancé Robert Pattinson In Twilight!

We thought literally everyone had seen the Twilight movies.
But apparently not FKA twigs!
The singer is reportedly engaged to Robert Pattinson, but she says she never watched the film franchise that made him famous!
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The British beauty recently revealed that she hasn’t seen any of the vampire flicks, and that she shies away from her celebrity status altogether, saying:

“I don’t understand what the levels [of fame] are. I’m a bit na├â┬»ve. … I don’t engage in that world, even with myself, even with my own career.”

However, the 27-year-old has made is pretty clear that she doesn’t follow crowds:

“It’s so bad to be basic. I’m not the kind of person who goes to an exhibition on a Thursday night just because everyone is. … I don’t have an average day. I hate that kind of thing.”

Guess it’s not such a HUGE shocker that twigs isn’t a Twi-hard after all!
Anyway, what if she hasn’t seen her boy toy smolder as Edward Cullen on the big screen?? They’re still totally in love!
She’s just not sure why everyone cares so much:

“I don’t really understand the fascination.”

LOL! It’s just because you and R-Patz are such a cute couple, that’s all!
[Image via Andres Otero/WENN.]