Floyd Mayweather Jr. Hasn’t Paid His $80,000 Courtside Seat Bill From Game 7 Of The NBA Playoffs!

Floyd Mayweather Jr. may be busy preparing for his big fight this weekend, but couldn’t he have someone else pay his bills for him in the meantime?

The boxer sat courtside for Game 7 of the NBA playoffs months ago, and each of his three seats cost $25,000. He then bought another seat further down the row for $5,000.

The company White Glove International claims Mayweather hired them the day of the game, June 20th, to get the tickets, but he still hasn’t paid them! So now they’ve filed a lawsuit!

They’re seeking the $80,000 plus any interest that has accrued.

The moral of the story here is PAY YOUR BILLS!

[Image via Instagram.]