Floyd Mayweather Jr. Fires Shots Right Back At Chrissy Teigen After She Shades His New Pet Tiger!

Floyd Mayweather Jr. isn’t one to back down from a fight, but this time we aren’t talking about a boxing match!
Last week, the 38-year-old took to Instagram to flaunt his new furry friend, his pet tiger. And because Chrissy Teigen is our spirit animal — and also not a fan of the fighter’s violent history — she used Twitter to epically shade the celeb’s new addition to his family.
But now, the boxer isn’t just rolling with the punches. Instead, he opened up to FightHype.com on Monday about the criticism with some disses of his own, and they stung like a bee!
Related: Endangered Tiger Cub Dies At Zoo
For starters, he never once mentioned the expecting momma by name! He only referred to her as John Legend‘s wife!
In fact, athlete claimed to not even know who Chrissy is, saying:

“The thing is I’ve never had anything negative to say about John Legend. I really don’t even know what his wife does, whoever she may be. I’ve never seen John Legend’s wife in my life. If I did, I probably just don’t remember it.”

Ouch! We can’t even imagine that could be true! She’s on a talk show, for crying out loud!
However, it’s possible the lovely lady didn’t actually mean anything by her original comment, because she went back on social media on Wednesday to vent about how easily her words can be blown out of proportion, writing:

Well, Perezcious readers, we aren’t sure if this frustration has anything to do with her fledgling feud with Floyd.
But, we’re curious if this means Chrissy will start keeping her opinions to herself. We certainly hope not! We LOVE her little jabs!
[Image via FayesVision/C. Smith/WENN.]