Tom Brady Has Had A Rough Few Weeks -- But At Least He's One Of The 17 Hottest Players In The NFL!

Ok, so it’s been kind of a bad few weeks for Tom Brady, what with the cheating scandal, and then the other cheating scandal, and then all those divorce rumors, and, oh yeah, the courtroom artist debacle.
But fortunately for him, the NFL season has begun, so the focus will be back on what it should be — hot guys in tight pants!
Here they are, the guys that made you realize, hey, maybe you’re more of a football fan than you first thought!
CLICK HERE to view “The 17 Hottest Football Players In The NFL!”
CLICK HERE to view “The 17 Hottest Football Players In The NFL!”
CLICK HERE to view “The 17 Hottest Football Players In The NFL!”
CLICK HERE to view “The 17 Hottest Football Players In The NFL!”
CLICK HERE to view “The 17 Hottest Football Players In The NFL!”