Fran Drescher's Fit Tips For A Healthier Lifestyle

Regular visits to the doctor are an integral part of maintaining good health. Without that trip, you might not find out about life threatening illnesses or diseases until it’s TOO LATE!
For some people, however, going to the doctor is scarier than death itself!
Lorraine from New York is having trouble overcoming her fear of the doctors office, so she wrote FitPerez health correspondent Fran Drescher for advice, asking:

I know I should go to the doctor, but I’m just so nervous to go. How do I overcome the fear?

According to Fran:
Tina, nobody loves to go to the doctor. (Unless he/she is a good looking, single and loves your dog Fluffy!) But you need to realize the only person who can take care of your body is YOU!
Bring a trusty friend with you to your appointment and always go prepared with questions, especially if you haven’t been feeling like your usual self. And believe me, your body WILL tell you when there’s something wrong. If you don’t feel like your doctor is giving you the attention or answers you deserve, find another physician.
It’s not personal, it’s your life! Your doctor should make you feel comfortable, informed and motivated to be and stay healthy.

For more answers to any health questions on your mind, tweet @frandrescher #askfranforfitperez and help fight cancer by checking out her website!