French Photog Defends Retouching

The debate over airbrushing continues!
As we told you, French lawmakers have been toying with the idea of implementing a law that would require retouched photos to bear aindicating its alterations. Now, renown French fashion photographer, Jean-Baptiste Mondino, who has also directed music videos, including some for the likes of Madonna and Bjork, is speaking out against the proposed law. He says:

“The photos of old Hollywood? Retouched! The iconic image of Che Guevara? Retouched! All the photos taken by Richard Avedon of Marilyn Monroe? Retouched! And all of this before today’s software existed, of course. Legs were lengthened using a wide angle; skins were smoothed through overexposure.”

We understand his point, but we think there’s a big difference between the kinds of tricks that were used to accentuate beauty back then, and the Photoshop atrocities that are taking place today. It’s one thing to smooth skin, it’s quite another to set unattainable standards of beauty by significantly slimming down celebrities’ weight, enlarging their breasts, and emaciating models.
We’re still pro-label law. Are you??