Game Of Thrones Teases The Biggest Fight In TV History As Jon Snow & Ramsay Bolton Face Off In Next Week's Battle Of The Bastards! Watch!

After intense character resurrections and heartbreaking reveals, this season of Game Of Thrones has been an emotional rollercoaster.
But next week’s episode of the HBO fantasy series will give the showdown we’ve been building up to all season — with the biggest battle in the history of the series television!
Very appropriately titled Battle of the Bastards, next week’s episode teases the much-anticipated face off between Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and the sinister Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon)!
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In the clip, we see the wildlings going up against Ramsay’s large army — and find out Jon isn’t so confident about the who will win battle of the North. He tells Melisandre:

“If I fall, don’t bring me back.”

Talk about high stakes! Ch-ch-check out the intense clip (below) and watch the Bastard Bowl this Sunday on HBO!

[Image via HBO.]