Polar Bear DIES After Eating A Zoo Visitor’s Coat & Bag! Oh No!

A 25-year-old polar bear named Anton died yesterday after eating a coat and bag that was dropped into his pen at a German zoo!
The poor guy ate the items without any of his handlers knowing too! It wasn’t until after he had been sick for several days and started coughing up pieces of fabric that zoo officials became suspicious.
Anton was given medicine that helped induce vomiting, which initially helped rid his stomach of additional bits from the bag and coat. But the damage to his insides was too drastic and the animal died from internal injuries and inflammation.
Zookeeper Andreas Woessner admitted to being stumped at why Anton would even eat the articles of clothing. He explained:

“Usually he just ripped up things that fell into his enclosure, I don’t know why he decided to eat this object, and can only assume there must have been something very tasty in there.├óΓé¼┬¥

This has been a rough week for zoos in Europe. On Monday, the Copenhagen Zoo killed a healthy giraffe named Marius to protect against inbreeding. They then dismembered his body and fed the corpse to lions in front of school children!
No more sad zoo stories please!
R.I.P. Anton! We hope you’re eating picnic baskets and Coca-Cola in polar bear heaven!
[Image via AP Images.]