Getty and Slutty: Still Together!

Well it looks like the reports that adulterer Balthazar Getty would soon be reconciling with his wife are a thing of the past.
Getty has yet again been spotted with Sienna Miller , this weekend in California.
Sluttyiena and Getty were caught kissing in public.
Slutty was waiting in the car at a grocery story in Malibu while her new bitch walked around the area on the lookout for paparazzi.
After his paranoia wore off that they weren’t being followed, Slutty finally stepped out of the car and proceeded to kiss Getty.
Seems like it’s a little too late to be worried about the paps taking pics of you two together.
Besides, has anyone pointed out the obvious to Sluttyiena????
If Getty cheated on his WIFE and mother of his four kids, it’s only a matter of time before he cheats on Sluttyiena with some hotter chick.
We’re just saying.
[Image via Mr. Paparazzi.]