Kanye West's Gone + Awesomely Bad Dancing = Best Way To Quit A Job Ever! Watch HERE!!

If we were ever to quit a job, this is EXACTLY how we’d do it.

Marina Shifrin had decided that she didn’t want to be working long hours at an unforgiving job at the Taiwanese company Next Media Animation.

So what did she do?

She made a kick-ass video of her dancing to Kanye West‘s Gone in her office to let her boss know that she’s quitting.


In the video Marina explains some of her reasoning saying:

“…my boss only cares about quantity and how many views each video gets. I figured I’d make ONE video of my own to focus on the content instead of worrying about the views.”

Well, seems her age old theory of quality over quantity has worked! She’s got over five million views on Youtube!

You go, gurl!