Giuliana Rancic Opens Up About More Health Battles That Have Plagued Her Since Childhood & Led People To Criticize Her Body

Oy, Giuliana Rancic has been through so much in her life and it’s all coming out now.
Ever since the whole ZendayaFashion Police hair controversy, the E! News host has been hit with some of the nastiest rumors.
Well, the Giuliana and Bill reality star is no longer keeping quiet about her life — shutting down all rumors of a cancer relapse and an eating disorder.
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According to the 40-year-old host, she credits the way her body looks to scoliosis — a curvature of the spine that can lead to permanent deformity if left untreated.
G dug deep and opened about her past condition in her book, Going Off Script, saying:

“The thing about scoliosis is it’s a different kind of ugly for a young girl. It’s one thing to hate your hair or to have bad skin, but those are things you can hopefully treat. [Scoliosis] is very hard to camouflage and it’s all you think about all day, every minute of the day.
I always wore baggy clothes and I trained myself so I always looked like I was leaning on something. [As a teen] I tried to enter pageants and audition for movies and model, because I think I was hoping someday someone would tell me I was pretty. I just wasn’t. I was crooked.
That was very hurtful to me because it was the first huge backlash about my weight and the thing is I’ve lived with my back and the way it looks since I was a little girl. My shoulder blades protrude as a result of scoliosis. Even if I gained 20 pounds, my bones would still look the way they do.”

That’s such a terrible thing to have to go through, and on top of that, have people criticize you for the way you look when it’s something that cannot be changed.
So sad.
However, regardless of all the hurtful remarks the reality star has heard, she was able to turn all the negativity into something positive.
Gules said:

“I was called ugly my entire life but it made me who I am. I always tell girls, whatever struggles you go through as a young woman, those are the things that become your power later. Even though it’s painful to think back on, I wouldn’t change a thing. Because everything I went through as a child got me to where I am today.”

You know what they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
[Image via Bauer Griffin Online.]