Axl Rose Has Still Got It! Looks Like Guns N' Roses Had Quite The Show Last Night -- Watch!

From what we can tell, it sure sounds like Guns N’ Roses had quite the show last night in El Lay!
The group was getting together for the first time in decadesAxl Rose, Duff McKagan, Slash, and Dizzy Reed all took part — and any questions about whether they could put on a good performance seem to have been answered!
Related: Steven Tyler Did NOT Reunite The Band!
Axl’s voice, always one of the most unique things about the band, sounded REALLY good last night, as we are finding out based on video surfacing from the event (below):

And more, too (below):

The group made it through 17 songs in their set, and according to reports, looked out onto a LOT of celebs in the crowd…
Apparently Chris Brown, Kate Hudson, Nicolas Cage, Bradley Cooper, Lenny Kravitz, and many, many more were there!
Not a bad reunion show, right?!
[Image via Instagram.]