Holy Shit -- Harvey Weinstein Looks Like A Total Slob In This BRUTAL Courtroom Sketch...

Not a good look at ALL for Harvey Weinstein
The disgraced media mogul made his first appearance in court this week after turning himself in a few days ago on first- and third-degree rape charges, among other sex crimes, and the courtroom sketches depicting his appearance in the New York court are — to put it nicely — fucking BRUTAL.
Related: Gwyneth Paltrow Talks Brad Pitt Protecting Her From Harvey Weinstein!
Sketched by courtroom artist Jane Rosenbergthe woman who horribly fucked up that Tom Brady sketch a few years back — and shown all over the world just hours later, Harvey is looking like a caricature of himself — big, and round, and sloppy, and just… gross.
Ch-ch-check out the controversial sketch (below):

What. In. The. Fuck?!?!?!?!
Is that Harvey, or is that a cartoon-ish, ridiculous version of Harvey???
In other words, did he gain THAT much weight, or is Jane Rosenberg back on her bull shit?!?!?!
Come to think of it, Jane got some serious redemption and another shot after that first awful Tom Brady sketch… maybe a little more redemption for Ms. Rosenberg is in order here, too.
Thoughts, Perezcious readers?!
Let us know in the comments (below)!!!
[Image via TNYF/WENN.]