Lindsay Continues To Ruin Fashion

We mentioned earlier that Lindsay Lohan is abroad stalking Samantha Ronson speaking to fashionEmanuel Ungaro about possible employment. The original rumor was that she was to be taken on as a “creative consultant”, but now, we’re hearing it’s not as bad as all that.

The company is looking to reinvent their marketing and ad campaigns and are currently shopping around for a celebrity to be the new face of the label. Lindsay happens to be on that list. Ungaro CEO Mounir Moufarrige is keen to revive his work and hopes a stunt like this will do the trick.

But, just because she won’t be imparting her fashion wisdom on the label, doesn’t mean that famed designer Esteban Cortazar will work with Lindsay. He still stands by his threat to leave the label if she is hired in any capacity.

We can’t blame him.There are thousands of better choices than LiLo for this gig. We recommend derailing the trainwreck and holding on to the adorable Colombian designer!

[Image via WENN.]