Hilary Clinton Launches Blueprint To End AIDS!

Hilary Clinton is certainly setting her sights high!
The US secretary of state is launching a blueprint for the eradication of AIDS across the entire world!
The blueprint focuses on preventing the spread of the disease and making sure treatment is able to reach those who need it.
In her keynote speech at the International AIDS Conference in DC back in July, she said:

“I’m here to make it absolutely clear that the US is committed and will remain committed to achieving an Aids-free generation. We will not back off and we will not back down. We will fight for the resources necessary to achieve this historic milestone.”

With new treatment and prevention options, including a drug that could stop the transmission of the HIV virus, it’s really looking like an AIDS free generation is within reach!
What she’s most calling for is funding. More of it, and then making sure it goes to the right places.
With Hilary behind it we feel like there’s a real chance this blueprint could bring about some real change!
Way to go, Hilary! Let’s end AIDS!
[Image via Carrie Devorah/WENN.]