Elizabeth Warren Absolutely DEMOLISHES Donald Trump While Endorsing Hillary Clinton -- Are We Looking At Our Next VP?!

This would be such a historic ticket!!
Hillary Clinton is now officially the presumptive Democratic nominee for President of the United States, and she’s all set to go up against Donald Trump in November.
As it’s to be expected, major Democrats like Barack Obama are now falling in line behind Hillary, officially endorsing her for President — and now, you can add highly influential Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren‘s name to that list!
Related: Oh Look, Roseanne Barr Has An Awful Opinion About Trump
Warren officially endorsed Clinton late last night, and then early this morning got very busy on behalf of the campaign!
It all started on Thursday, when — at her endorsement speech for Clinton — Warren absolutely blasted The Donald, openly pointing out his awful racism and bigotry in a particularly pointed and memorable section of her remarks (below):

Sen. Warren got up early on Friday morning and continued the Trump takedown, tweeting her own play on Clinton’s wildly popular Trump clap back just a day earlier (below):

(And seriously, Donald, think hard about hitting delete — or at least the ‘log off’ button.)
Related: Hillary Absolutely SLAMS Trump University!
Back to important politics and rampant, hopeful speculation…
Warren walked into a meeting with Clinton at the candidate’s Washington, D.C. home early this morning, as captured on video by MSNBC (below):

Now that’s interesting… sure, they could just be talking endorsement strategies, and how Warren can help Clinton on the campaign trail.
But what if Clinton floats an offer for Vice President?!
Related: Obama SLAMS Donald Trump… AGAIN!
Warren is a VERY visible progressive politician, and a two-woman ticket — with these two wildly intelligent, supremely capable women — would REALLY be something, wouldn’t it?!
Here’s hoping!!!
[Image via Patricia Schlein/Dennis Van Tine/Future Image/WENN/ABC.]