Hillary Clinton Pokes Fun At Herself And Does A Donald Trump Impression on SNL! Watch The Funny Skit HERE!

This is so great!
Yesterday, we reported how much Hillary Clinton appreciates being impersonated by the talented actors on Saturday Night Live, and as it turns out, she had a little impersonation talent up her sleeve last night on show, too!!
Related: Hillary Clinton Takes A Stand Against The Pumpkin Spice Latte!
Clinton, portraying a bartender in her skit while Kate McKinnon played the presidential hopeful, was a good sport as McKinnon took her down for taking so long to take a stand on same-sex marriage and the Keystone XL oil pipeline, much to the delight of the crowd.
Oh, and then there’s The Donald! When asked about Donald Trump, Clinton delivered a KILLER impression of the controversial Republican hopeful!
Ch-ch-check out the whole thing (below)!!!

So funny!!! Love any politician who can poke fun at themselves and still come away a great sport.
What’d U think of her performance in the skit??
[Image via YouTube.]