WTF?? Did Hobby Lobby Really Fire An Employee For Being PREGNANT?!

Felicia Allen was hired as a part-time cashier at Hobby Lobby in Mississippi before learning she was pregnant — it wasn’t long at all after she started her new job that she found out she was four months pregnant with her third child.
Since she only just started her job, she was unable to qualify for the federal Family Leave Medical Act. So she talked to her supervisor.
Felicia said:

“I asked her would I lose my job due to me being four months and only having five months before I have my child. She told me ‘no.’ I felt like everything was OK. I had talked to my boss, and she let me know that everything would be OK. I would still have my job.”

But five months later, when she applied for medical leave, she was told she’d have to be fired. Oh but she was allowed to reapply to her old position again later if she wanted.
She never got her job back.
What’s worse is they fought her on applying for unemployment benefits, with Hobby Lobby going as far as to allegedly give a false version of events to the unemployment office.
Oh and she can’t even sue Hobby Lobby because all their employees have to sign a contract saying all disputes will be settled outside of court.
Thankfully she was able to get on unemployment, but seriously? Hobby Lobby had to put a fight like this?
For a company that refuses to pay for women’s contraceptives because it cares about unborn babies, they certainly don’t seem like they care about unborn babies.
[Image via Twitter.]