Hugh Grant’s Love Child Doesn’t Even Look Like Him, According To Family Members!

Well, actually, maybe not a ‘love child’ but a kid made during a whole lot of loving!
You may remember that Hugh Grant knocked up two women at the same time, and his son with baby momma Anna Eberstein now lives in a nearly $5 million apartment just around the corner from the actor!
And we haven’t seen the little guy yet, despite the fact that he was born in 2012, but even if we did, we wouldn’t recognize him.
Because apparently he looks nothing like his dad!
Anna’s aunt Elizabeth Berggren gave the deets, saying:

├óΓé¼┼ôIt’s funny, the baby does not look like him, he looks more like Anna’s mum when she was little. We all love the baby to bits. Anna has brought him over many times to see us. She is an excellent mother and we are thrilled Hugh is the father but he has not been to visit yet.├óΓé¼┬¥

Babies don’t always look like their parents right away!
We have a feeling that in no time this little guy will start growing into his dad’s good looks!