India's Flexing More Hollywood Muscle

Hollywood’s doing lots of cozying up to India these days!

Big-time director Steven Spielberg scored $1 billion in financing from Indian investors a few weeks ago.

Now, The Hollywood Reporter reports that Disney is doing 4 action films under its Walt Disney Pictures India offshoot.

Disney hit the India film scene last year in a co-production deal with one of the country’s biggest film companies.

A Mouse spokesperson told the industry rag, “We have finalized two projects to start with, which include ‘The 19th Step’ starring top South Indian actor Kamal Hassan, directed by Bharat Bala. The second is ‘Zokkomon,’ starring top child actor Darsheel Safari and directed by Satyajit Bhatkal.”

The two other projects are still in development.

We hope they do some fun Bollywood flicks that will be more ‘accessible’ to American audiences!