Sportswriter Fired Over Racist Tweet About Indy 500 Winner

A sportswriter for The Denver Post lost his job on Monday after starting a wildfire with a truly gross tweet about the Indianapolis 500.
In case you missed it, Takuma Sato won the Indy 500 on Sunday, becoming the first person from an Asian country to do so ever in the race’s 100+ year history.
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But that landmark moment got a big skid mark put on it by writer Terry Frei, who commented on Twitter afterward (then later deleted):

After an understandable pileup of offended comments, Frei wrote out a lengthy apology — one that was specifically personal.
Apparently he had spent Memorial Day weekend paying his respects to his father, who fought in World War II, and that stirred up emotions in him:

OK. You lost us at:

“I shouldn’t have said what I said when I said it.”

You shouldn’t have said it at all.
Frankly, we’re not here for any emotional excuse either. This was a disgusting sentiment. Being “uncomfortable” with someone because of their race or nationality is just plain ignorant. If that’s how you felt in that moment, you should have been offended at your own brain instead of choosing to broadcast the message on social media.
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Apparently the Post felt the same way, as they sent out a statement on Monday making it very clear that Frei’s comment was “unacceptable” and that he was now “no longer an employee”:

Now Frei will always have to remember Memorial Day as the time he got fired for saying something incredibly ignorant. We bet that makes him pretty uncomfortable too.
[Image via Gaora/Twitter.]