Q & A With Our Very Own Dog Trainer

This week we have a question from a reader for our very own celebrity dog trainer, Inger Martens, about a 2-year-old dog who can’t kick her icky, icky dog poo eating habit she’s had since she was a pup.
Let’s see how Inger can help!

Hi Teddy,
Saw your post on the poopy eating puppy. I unfortunately have a similar issue.
My dog (who is now almost 2) has been eating her poop since she was a puppy. I have tried EVERYTHING…from the powder to tabasco, to pineapple to spending more time at home with her…nothing. I can be out with her for a full hour, but she will only poop when she gets home, and then immediately start eating it. Sometimes I will catch her fast enough so that she doesn’t do it, but I don’t know what to do with her!!!!!
I don’t know if this is related, but she also seems to have an immense fear of other dogs. She will bark up a storm even if the dog is a block away. If the dog gets close enough, she acts very scared (I guess she doesn’t like having a nose up her privates?)
It seems anything that has to do with her “private stuff” has to be left to her and her alone.
The vet said sometimes some dogs just eat their poop and as gross as it is, there’s not much we can do.
Andrea (and Kiwi the dog)

Here is your Paws For A Minuteâ„¢ quick tip
Hi Kiwi dog owner!
You might want to ask your vet about a product called For-bid. It’s stuff that you sprinkle on your dogs food and it makes poop taste bad. You might also get your dog tested for Giardia and Coccidia. Both are parasites that effect a dogs intestinal tract. Giardia is a small micro organism that dogs can get when drinking from a pond or puddle and Coccidia they can get from eating poop. Both conditions have no symptoms, so it’s hard to detect unless tested. What Giardia does do is interfere with the absorption of nutrients that your dog needs. Therefore, your dog is craving nutrients it’s lacking and the vicious cycle continues. Ask your vet to test your dog. Once you are free and clear of both conditions then you can begin curing the behavior.
We hope Inger’s expert advice can help you rid Kiwi of her stinky addiction, Andrea!
Have a question???? Email us at Tips@TeddyHilton.com or check out more tips from Inger on her website Paws For A Minute!