This Iron Man 3 Trailer Is Such A Tease! And We Love It! WATCH IT HERE!!!

People get ready. There’s an Iron Man a’coming!
Finally. The moment we’ve been waiting for since the first of this wonderful soon-to-be trilogy began. From this amazing teaser, it appears as if Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow finally get it on!!!
Or at least … that is what it looks like in this fantastic new Japanese dubbed Iron Man 3 sneak peek.
And teases, it indeed does!
Or maybe Robert and Gwynie got together in the last movie – we never saw it – we didn’t hear great things.
But wow does this new one look so, so good. We haven’t been this excited for a superhero movie since maybe X-Men way back in the day. Except for The Avengers… And The Dark Knight Rises… you know what, let’s just end things there.
Ch-ch-check out this amazing teaser by clicking PLAY directly (above) !!!
We guarantee you won’t regret it!!!