IT's Honest Trailer Shows How The Scariest Part Of The Remake Is All Its Nostalgia Porn!

It‘s going down as one of the most terrifying films of 2017.
But the scariest part of the Warner Bros. remake is its threat of a big screen Stephen King renaissance!
Video: Jumanji‘s Honest Trailer Is Depressing AF
That’s what the folks at Screen Junkies warned in the Honest Trailer for the movie so scary, it effectively KILLED the clown industry. Bless you, Bill Skarsg├â┬Ñrd.
Ch-ch-check out the faux-trailer (above) to hear about Pennywise’s repetitive stalking; Derry, Maine’s confusing movie releases; and the film’s use of nostalgia (and Finn Wolfhard) to make audiences hungry for more Stephen King!