Jackie Evancho Would 'Most Definitely' Still Sing For Donald Trump Despite His Rolling Back Of Transgender Rights! Girl, Why???

Maybe it’s time to rethink her position!
Jackie Evancho, who performed the National Anthem at Donald Trump‘s inauguration back in January, has revealed she would still sing for Drumpf despite his recent rolling back of transgender rights that directly affect her sister, Juliet.
Related: Trump Withdraws Federal Protection For Transgender Students
Jackie said:

“Most definitely [I would sing for him again], because the reason why I did sing at the inauguration was not politics, it was for the honor and privilege to perform for my country. And that will stay the same, I think.”

That’s a nice sentiment — to do it for her country — but how can she support someone when he is so adamantly against the rights of Jackie’s sister and other transgender people like her??? It doesn’t really make sense.
Then again, Jackie is only 16, so maybe she can rethink and figure out her stance in the future.
It’s obvious the teen feels strongly about transgender issues, however, as she tweeted at Drumpf on Wednesday asking to meet with him so she could tell him exactly how difficult it is for transgender students in schools.

The sisters appeared on Good Morning America (below) Thursday morning, explaining their positions regarding transgender rights.

Jackie expressed that if she met with the president she would like to “enlighten him,” saying:

“I guess I just wanna enlighten him on what my sister, I’ve seen her go through every single day at school. The discrimination, it’s terrible. I guess I kinda just really want him to relook at that.”

Juliet also spoke during the interview, saying:

“Basically [I would tell Donald Trump] that being at a high school where the policies on the bathroom are unclear, I kinda live it every day, going through discrimination. I’ve had things thrown at me, I’ve had people say pretty horrible things. The unsafe environment is just very unhealthy. I feel like Donald Trump needs to know that being in such an unsafe environment won’t do any good for not only the transgenders in the LGBT community, but as well as anyone as a whole.”

Unfortunately, Donald doesn’t care about anyone but himself, so we doubt he’ll take that meeting with Jackie and Juliet.
Here’s hoping, though!
[Image via Twitter.]