Jaden And Willow Smith Sleep With Snakes! Uh, What? Jaden Even Calls Them His Girlfriends!

Jaden and Willow Smith lead interesting lives, different than the average young teen’s.
Lots of kids have pets, whether they’re fish, hamsters, dogs, cats or whatever. Kids and pets usually go well together.
Sometimes, those pets, usually the fluffier, cuddlier ones, will sleep in bed with the child. And that’s so cute.
But again, Jaden and Willow Smith aren’t your average teens and they def don’t have your average pets…
Willow is apparently “obsessed with snakes,” according to an insider who said:

“She has 10 sleeping in her room, and some aren’t in cages!”

Jeez, what?! That’s a whole lotta snakes!
They mostly belong to Willow but Jaden is apparently a big fan of them too, calling them his “girlfriends” and even snuggling with them at night!
That’s right, the source said:

“They slither into his bed and curl up with him!”

Okay, we’re sorry but that sounds terrifying.
We know many snakes are docile and that they’re cold blooded and love you for your warmth but what if you roll over and hurt one?
Aside from the snake being injured it could get pissed off and try and take you out!
We’re sure the snakes are really well taken care of, we just know that wouldn’t be our first choice of pet!
[Image via WENN.]