In Celebration Of His 17th Birthday, Read Jaden Smith's Most Perplexing Tweets EVER!

Is your life lacking in wisdom and philosophical observations?
Are you aching for a new perspective, for a way of looking at the world that jolts you out of your complacent existence?
Boy, do we have the gallery for you!
Jaden Smith‘s philosophizing tweets will not only make you think (and possibly make your head hurt), but they’ll open up a world of twists and turns so hard you’ll get whiplash, and think blue is red and 3 is 5.
In celebration of the star’s 17th birthday today, we hope you immensely enjoy his spits of creative freedom…
CLICK HERE to view “Jaden Smith’s Most Perplexing Tweets EVER!”
CLICK HERE to view “Jaden Smith’s Most Perplexing Tweets EVER!”
CLICK HERE to view “Jaden Smith’s Most Perplexing Tweets EVER!”
CLICK HERE to view “Jaden Smith’s Most Perplexing Tweets EVER!”
CLICK HERE to view “Jaden Smith’s Most Perplexing Tweets EVER!”