James Woods Sues Twitter Troll For $10 Million For Calling Him A Coke Addict! Huh?!

Sticks and stones may not’ve hurt James Woods — but words certainly did!
On Thursday, it was reported that the Once Upon a Time in America actor has filed a $10 million lawsuit against a user on Twitter for supposedly accusing him of being addicted to cocaine. What the what?!
The suit was filed at the Los Angeles Superior Court on Wednesday and states that a user — under the handle Abe List — has actively pursued a name-calling campaign on the social media site against the 68-year-old.
[ Related: James Woods Twitter Rants About President Obama ]
It’s said the the user has harassed Mr. Woods since December 2014 by calling him a “prick,” “clown-boy,” “joke,” “ridiculous,” and “scum.” Yikes!
We’d be upset too.
However, it appears that one particular post from July 15 pushed the voice artist over the edge.
The user shared:

“@RealJamesWoods @benshapiro cocaine addict James Woods still sniffing and spouting.”

The Twitter account has since been deleted.
Woods’ camp claimed in the suit:

“[List’s ] malicious behavior, through the worldwide use of the internet, has now jeopardized Woods’ good name and reputation on an international scale.”

In fact, reps for Woods have vehemently denied that the Golden Globe winner was ever addicted to coke and that this social media user’s behavior has resulted in the star’s defamation of character and invasion of privacy.
Whomp, whomp.
Cyberbullying is no joke — even celebs deal with it! It’ll be inneresting to see how this whole thing plays out in court as the troll’s real identity still remains anonymous.
Remember kiddies, think before you tweet!
[Image via WENN.]