Things Aren't Looking Good For Jared Kushner...

The Donald Trump Presidency is starting to unravel…
On Friday, the Washington Post published a story claiming that a “senior White House adviser” is currently being investigated by law enforcement about his or her ties to Russia, and whether this “significant person of interest” coordinated communication with Russian officials during the election.
Related: Donald Trump Doesn’t Understand Why The Civil War Happened
According to NBC legal analyst Ari Melber, it is very likely that this person is Jared Kushner. He speculated on Twitter:

As of this writing, no publication is confirming that Ivanka Trump‘s husband is currently under investigation.
However, late Friday after the WashPo‘s article was published, the Internet went on Jared’s page and noticed there weren’t any tweets:

Back in March, there was a rumor that he deleted all his tweets in a shady move. That rumor was widely regarded as false, with the counterpoint being that Jared never tweeted to begin with.
Well now that rumor has started again, and again, it’s being denounced:

What do YOU make from all this??
[Image via WENN.]