Jason Segel Got REJECTED By Hilary Clinton

Jason Segel may be one of the biggest names in Hollywood these days, but that doesn’t mean he can woo the Secretary of State.
While making an appearance on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, the Five Year Engagement star revealed that he got a rejection letter from Hilary Clinton recently!
While talking about his hit television show, How I Met Your Mother, Jason joked:

“Every time I’m on the red carpet and they ask,’Who’s the mother going to be?’ I always say Hillary Clinton as a joke.”

Apparently Hilary must be watching a lot of red carpet coverage because she wrote him a letter in response, as Jason continued to explain:

“I got a letter in the mail that said, ‘I appreciate your request, but I must say I’m very busy doing politics. But if the opportunity ever arises, I would be happy to do something together. [Signed] Hillary Clinton.'”

LOL! We would LOVE to see that collaboration. And although the actor jokes about her appearance on the show, he really does “feel like she would be good at comedy.”
There’s only one way to find out! We hope he writes her back and formally invites the politician to “do something together.”
[Image via WENN.]