Alert Solange! Jay Z Is Attending Kim Kardashian's Wedding & He's Gonna Run Into This Chick! (Hint: She's The Reason For Elevator Gate!)

Uh oh, Solange might not be too happy to hear that her brother-in-law will be in contact with Rachel Roy!
Beyonc├â┬⌐‘s younger sister reportedly had a run in with the fashion designer at the Met Gala where things took a turn for the worse, causing stories to emerge, speculating that Jay Z had a too close for comfort encounter with Kim Kardashian‘s bff designer.
It’s been a little over a week since the incident that shall not be named happened, but the news of this European reunion might send her over the edge!
Hov has been confirmed to attend Kimmy and Kanye West‘s wedding overseas, but a source is saying Jay’s wifey is put down as a maybe, possibly leaving the Holy Grail rapper alone and prone to straying with the designer.
However, we are skeptical of Jay straying away from Queen B. He’d be a dummy to do so!
Maybe the news of Rachel being present will cause Bey to change her mind and attend Kimye’s happy day!
[Image via Andres Otero/Dennis Van Tine/Future Image/WENN.]