Jenelle Evans' Hospital Visit: Heroin Or Health???

What was the mystery ailment that caused Jenelle Evans to disappear to the hospital for a few days?
According to fellow patient Megan Manship, the Teen Mom was suffering hardcore from the DTs- after using heroine! She says:

“Jenelle was in the ER yesterday for heroin withdrawals. I was in the room next to hers. She sounded like she was in so much pain…”

But Jenelle says all this heroin talk is just people blowing smoke! She says she had to have emergency surgery! She says:

“I was in there for 8 cysts on my ovaries. Right one as big as a golf ball. The ambulance came to my house and got me. After going to one hospital I had to be transferred to a bigger one 4 hours away from my home.
Long story short I had immediate surgery to get rid of those cysts and also had lung work done do to smoking out of kieffers TOXIC wooden pipes. Still having to go back to chapel hill next week to get more lab work done.”

So was it genuine health concerns? Or getting healthy by falling off the horse?
Who do U believe??
[Image via Instagram.]