How To Lose Annoying Back Fat

One of our favorite fitness experts, Jennifer Cohen, who wrote the handy dandy workout book No Gym Required is back to help FitPerez readers get in the best shape of their lives.

This week, she’s using her gym free philosophy to help readers shed unwanted back flab after receiving the question:

Hi Jennifer,

I was wondering if you could please help me as I am trying to lose back fat!


According to Jennifer:

To get rid of back fat, you can combine cardio and back-toning exercises in the same workout. Try my 4-minute at-home workout; the low-jack move will help you reduce fat overall, while the dynamo push-up will help tone your back AND burn a ton of calories.

Want a video demonstration? Click here!

To target your back muscles even more, put a pull-up bar in a doorway of your house. Every time you pass through the doorway, do 3 pull ups. Keep it up and you’ll see improvement in your strength AND tone!

Got any more questions? Feel free to tweet them @JenCohenNGR and don’t forget to keep checking for more great Q&A’s from some of the best trainers working in Hollywood today!