PHRASING! Paramount Chief Uses Unfortunate Wording To Defend Wide Release Of Jennifer Lawrence Box Office Bomb mother!

There’s pretty much no way you haven’t heard about mother!
The Darren Aronofsky horror (?) film is the lowest opening of GF Jennifer Lawrence‘s career and has so far brought in only $16.5 million domestically on a reported $30 mil budget.
While reviews vary from repulsion to reverence, the response from wide audiences for the very artsy, allegorical film was extremely low, making it only the 19th ever to receive an “F” CinemaScore from polled theatergoers.
Related: Costar Javier Bardem Explains Why J.Law & Aronofsky Work As A Couple
The film is easily one of the most talked about films of the year — unfortunately that doesn’t exactly equal success for a studio considering they chose to release it on 2,600 screens.
But Paramount Worldwide Distribution and Marketing President Megan Colligan told The Wrap that’s exactly what they wanted. Unfortunately, the wording she used was a little on the nose:

“We wanted it to go off like a bomb and let everyone see it, and feel it and debate it ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ to kind of have at it.”

Oops! Well… It definitely has bomb-like qualities.
We do hope those who love it carry the torch for it; it’s kind of cool to see a movie become cult so quickly! Colligan believes the wide release all at once allowed the film to get to all the people who would love it without their perceptions being tainted by critics beforehand. She explains:

“You can reduce the movie to its most provocative elements and define it by that, but we didn’t want that to happen.”

You definitely have to respect Paramount’s fearlessness here!
Have YOU seen mother!? Tell us what YOU think in the comments (below)!
[Image via Paramount Pictures.]